Philter News
Welcome to Philter News, our air filtration blog! Here you will find information from our experts on all things indoor air quality. We strive to educate our clients on the products that we sell and how they can benefit each industry.
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Response to Covid-19
April 7, 2020The Philter News – Interesting times that we are presented with and must navigate through. CoVid-19 has very quickly changed the face of the entire socio-eco-sanity parameters that most people have grown accustomed to working within. From a...

Filter Seal Integrity: Clips, Gasket, and Tape
One of the primary requirements for making sure a filter system works is to ensure that it is SEALED. Research has shown thatMERV 15 filter elements can be reduced to as low as MERV 6 efficiency if the seal integrity of the installed elements is not properly addressed...

How Long Can A Filter Remain In A System?
I have seen debates on this question for as many years as I have been in the filter business. Over the years "experts" have been giving their opinions on filter life for various reasons and trying to defend their position with mostly anecdotal support data. Some make...

ELECTRET – Upgrade Filtration or Hoax?
Currently, there are too numerous electret enhanced products to keep track of in the air filtration industry. Interestingly, as soon as ASHRAE published the MERV system of testing filters the effort to identify and expose the performance issues with electret media was...
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